Change the P2i Supplier Administrator (Main User)

Tip The P2i Supplier Administrator can elevate a user's access to assist with P2i. Refer to Elevate user access.

This elevate process ought to have already been applied to the Funded Organisation's Organisation Director user account.

Warning After performing this process, the new P2i Supplier Administrator (Main User) account will:

  • have its user rights updated to be fully elevated within P2i Main Dashboard

  • not be able to have its permission roles and apps modified within Acquittals Dashboard.

To review and update your organisation's registration data:

  1. Log in to P2i. Refer to Login to the P2i Main Dashboard.

  2. From the P2i Main Dashboard, click My Organisation > Organisation ProfileRegistration Data.

    my organisation menu item with organisation profile sub menu items

  3. Scroll down to the Main User Details section.

    Tip Use the Quick Navigation section and click Main User Details 

  4. Click change main user button.

    org profile registration details - main user details

  5. Type the name of the new P2i Supplier Administrator (Main User) and select.

    main user selection screen with search criteria

  6. Click save button.

    the selected user details displayed on screen

  7. Click Ok when prompted.

Note The new P2i Supplier Administrator (Main User) needs to login with their username and password for the change to the Organisation Profile to take effect.